Saturday, May 26, 2007

lumpy at one day old

life is good.

Friday, May 25, 2007

lumpy's very excellent coming out party

this little lump was born May 24, 2007 to Baby Red, the nosy and voracious youngster. the other cows guarded her until she was safe. then, of course, they went back to eating....that's what we do at purgatory ranch aka the fat farm. o.c.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

my youngest son graduates from high school

remember, big man, that your learning has just begun. and when it stops so do you. seniors in may are freshmen in september. learn fiercely. your life depends on it. be happy.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


either everything matters, or none of it does. a single shrimp in the gulf. a hairy eyeball. the moon.
we are diminished by the loss of anything, and yet we must let go of the things we love, one by one. we lose them all, and eventually ourselves lie down and die.
i celebrate life while i have it. i thrill at each new sunrise, each new birth, so that when i finally say goodbye, i will not regret never having lived.