Sunday, February 18, 2007


this is Baby, a 2-year-old heifer given to me because they didn't like her horns. she is a beautiful cow with a sweet temperament. her mother was beautiful too, with long slender calves...
ps now if trigger would let me get out of the car...

Thursday, February 15, 2007


that's his name. born to red (aka rex coffee anne. she doesn't know her real name) on Valentine's Day.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

winter means dry

a brown wood stork gorges on fish in runoff pond number 3. previously endangered, he feels safer now. later, every wading bird in north america will visit to stock up from the dry pond. twice.
i am going to tivo the game and tape the ads.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

all of us waiting for spring

winter is nice too, though, in its own way. as long as there is bread. not that they would get in your face for it....